Spark vs Pandas benchmark: Why you should use Spark only for really big data


Apache Spark is quickly becoming one of the best open source data analysis platforms.

With the continuous improvement of Apache Spark, especially the SQL engine and emergence of related projects such as Zeppelin notebooks we are starting to get the data analysis functionality we had on single machine setups using RDBMS and data analysis libraries like Pandas.

Pandas, a data analysis tools for the Python programming language, is currently the most popular and mature open souce data analysis tool. The library is highly optimized for performance, with critical code paths written in Cython or C.

This benchmark will compare the performance of those frameworks on common data analysis tasks:
  1. Complex where clauses
  2. Sorting a dataset
  3. Joining a dataset
  4. Self joins
  5. Grouping the data
The tests will be performed on Dutch OpenData license plate dataset (found here) which has ~13.5 million records, but I used command line tools to split it into files with 100k, 1m, 5m, 10m and ~13.5 lines. The according file sizes are: 49MB, 480MB, 2.4GB, 4.7GB and 6.5GB accordingly. To perform joins testing I made this small dataset with ~100 rows.

The underlying software is Python 3.5.3/pandas 0.19.2 and Scala 2.10/Spark 1.6.2 on a machine with 32GB RAM and 8 CPUs. The Spark local mode was done on the same machine with 32GB of RAM and 8 CPUs while the distributed mode was done in yarn-client mode using zeppelin noteboooks on a setup over 3 machines with the same specs. In the Spark local mode I utilized the normal file system and in the distributed mode I utilized HDFS.

You can find the Scala code for Spark here. (* the code is not a proper scala file, but it can be just copied into Zeppelin notebook cells.) Code for Pandas (in python) is here.

Test 1: Complex where clauses


This is a case where Spark should shine as it can concurrently read a dataset from multiple machines.


     Voertuigsoort like ‘%Personenauto%’ 
     and (Merk like ‘MERCEDES-BENZ’ or Merk like ‘BMW’ ) 
     and Inrichting like ‘%hatchback%’
|       | pandas | spark local | spark yarn |
| 100k  | 0.002  | 1.71        | 10.278     |
| 1m    | 0.006  | 4.91        | 16.219     |
| 5m    | 0.191  | 21.94       | 69.947     |
| 10m   | 0.12   | 43.845      | 137.986    |
| 13.5m | fail   | 64.819      | 188.339    |


Pandas was abviously blazing fast for small datasets where Spark struggled because of the underlying complexity.

 Test 2: Sorting the dataset


This is usually a very demanding task and there is a reason why ETL developers recommend not to do sorting in memory (eg. SSIS) but only in the database engine.


order by 
      'Datum tenaamstelling'
|       | pandas  | spark local | spark yarn |
| 100k  | 0.278   | 12.66       | 13.048     |
| 1m    | 4.502   | fail        | fail       |
| 5m    | 49.631  | fail        | fail       |
| 10m   | 115.372 | fail        | fail       |
| 13.5m | fail    | fail        | fail       |


I was quite disappointed with Spark in both modes.

Test 3: Joining the dataset


This is another taxing task which is not as brute force as sorting but can be done efficiently using a good query optimizer. Also the fact that the join is on a string column will certainly degrade performance.


      on df.Inrichting = join_df.type
|       | pandas | spark local | spark yarn |
| 100k  | 0.148  | 8.04        | 20.797     |
| 1m    | 1.507  | fail        | fail       |
| 5m    | 7.973  | fail        | fail       |
| 10m   | 14.72  | fail        | fail       |
| 13.5m | fail   | fail        | fail       |


I saw other blogpost detailing similar problem.  The performance is disappointing but I hope Spark manages to fix this issue in the future.  Spark >= 2.0 supposedly shows great improvements in this aspect.

Test 4: Self joins


This will be even more demanding as we are not joining to a table with 100 rows.


      on df.Kenteken = df.Kenteken
|       | pandas | spark local | spark yarn |
| 100k  | 0.32   | fail        | fail       |
| 1m    | 3.652  | fail        | fail       |
| 5m    | 19.928 | fail        | fail       |
| 10m   | 38.207 | fail        | fail       |
| 13.5m | fail   | fail        | fail       |


Same as for Test 3.

Test 5: Grouping the data


This is a task Apache Spark should perform well in as it can be efficiently ran as Map-Reduce tesk.


group by 
|       | pandas | spark local | spark yarn |
| 100k  | 0.014  | 4.767       | 6.925      |
| 1m    | 0.118  | 5.35        | 15.998     |
| 5m    | 0.651  | 26.212      | 64.879     |
| 10m   | 1.243  | 47.805      | 130.908    |
| 13.5m | fail   | 73.143      | 171.963    |


Everything went as expected.


These benchmarks show that although Apache Spark has great capabilities and potential in the big data area, it is still no match for Pandas on the datasets we examined.
The most worrying aspect is the bad performance of joins as well as sorting but these tasks are naturally very demanding compared to the simpler where and group-by statements which can be efficiently distributed with the Map-Reduce model. 

We could probably conclude that any dataset with less than 10 million rows (<5 GB file) shouldn’t be analyzed with Spark. For datasets larger than 5GB, rather than using a Spark cluster I propose to use Pandas on a single server with 128/160/192GB RAM. This will be more effective for intermediate size datasets (<200–500GB) than Spark (especially if you use a library like Dask). For datasets above 500GB Spark combined with Hadoop Distributed File System is definitely the best solution as it allows quicker data reads and parralel workloads. Also at this data size it is quite hard to utilize SMP data processing which is much more efficient than MPP / distributed processing.
** In Spark 2.2 we got a completely new query optimizer so I might have to re-run the test when I get access to proper infrastructure again.

About dorianbg

A software engineer with interests in data systems. Based in London, United Kingdom
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1 Response to Spark vs Pandas benchmark: Why you should use Spark only for really big data

  1. Frank says:

    Interesting numbers, did you get a chance to re-run your tests with Spark 2.x? Actually I might try this tomorrow when I find some time to do this.


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